Microsoft Excel How-To


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is used by many people in businesses, schools, and other settings to record, edit manipulate and store data. Excel is one of the applications of the Microsoft office package developed by Microsoft. The Spreadsheet program can be operated on computer operating systems such as Windows operating system, and Mac operating system. The program has an interactive interface with many tools that enable you to create and customize spreadsheets with ease. Very many businesses have been using Microsoft Excel in their daily operations such as financial calculations, employees records, and data storage. People who know how to use Microsoft Excel are better placed in job employment and other businesses platforms. Many tutors are dedicated to training people on how to work with Microsoft Excel. You can also use the Excel tutorial that is contained in the program to get started. More knowledge of how to work with Excel spreadsheet is provided on the Microsoft website. Most people who use Microsoft Excel only know the basic operations and to not utilize the sophisticated features offered by the program. If you wish to gain mastery of the Microsoft Excel, then you need to be committed to the training. This is essential that you understand how to use formulas to calculate figures in Microsoft Excel. Data representation in excel can be displayed in the form of charts, graphs, and pivot tables. Excel also enables the sorting and filtering of data which allows you to enter, manipulate and display data with ease. In addition, Excel has useful tools and menus which enables the user to customize their spreadsheets and workbooks.

You need to know how to use the quick access toolbar to navigate through the commonly used commands. It is also possible to customize the ribbon to meet your particular requirement. With the Microsoft Excel, you can save your data in different formats and types. You are yet to be an Excel expert until you know how to import and export workbooks from other programs. The benefits of understanding how to use Microsoft Excel are not limited to the business world. Users can easily organize and compare data using Microsoft Excel, click here to know more!

You can use excel to organize music and video collection. Your mathematics assignment will be more straightforward when using excel. For those conducting research projects, the best way to analyze your data is by using Microsoft Excel. Everyone can use Microsoft Excel with little training. To get more tips on how to use Microsoft Excel, check out

Learning the Basics of Microsoft Excel


If you are a new user of Microsoft Excel, you need to know the basic concepts before fully understanding its other advanced features.

Microsoft Excel is a powerful application that can be used for both personal and business use. The program is organized into Cells, Worksheets and Workbooks. The data you input in a Microsoft spreadsheet can be manipulated and formatted in different ways. Having a good understanding of its structure can help you better use it for different kinds of data, for different reasons.

Understanding the structure of Microsoft Excel

The file you create in Microsoft Excel is referred to as Workbooks which has individual pages that are called Worksheets. Try to imagine a Workbook as similar to a binder with many pages. A Microsoft Excel Workbook usually has different sheets containing a common theme or purpose. For example, a Workbook containing the sales figures for your business will not include the company’s Christmas party activities and checklist. It is best to create a new Microsoft Excel Workbook for a different theme or purpose, visit website here!

Microsoft Excel Worksheets, on the other hand, are the individual sheets or pages of a file you create in Excel. A Worksheet is a virtual representation of a very large sheet of paper that is organized into rows and columns. The rows are represented by numbers while columns are denoted by alphabet letters. The combination of a column and cell is referred to as a Cell, so a cell will be called A1, A2.. B1, B2.. and so on. Although each Worksheet can be considered a separate file on its own, cells can be linked from other sheets from the same Workbook or another Workbook through the use of formulas. For more facts and information about Microsoft Excel, visit

How to input data in Worksheet cells

Worksheet cells are individual compartments which hold the data. This is where the magic of Microsoft Excel happens. You can input different kinds of data, whether numerical, formulaic or text. Numerical data can be manipulated through statistical and arithmetic operations while text data are alphanumeric characters such as words and letters. Formulas serve as instructions when inserted in a cell so that you can manipulate data in the Worksheet or data in other Workbook sheets. Upon inserting a formula in a cell, you will be able to see the result or calculated value.

Microsoft Excel has a hierarchical structure which allows plenty of flexibility in arrangement and presentation of data. Check this link to know more!

How to Use Microsoft Excel


There are a lot of businesses and jobs in our times today that would require the use of computers and the programs that we are able to have in them. We should know that there are different kinds of programs that we can find in computers and their functions are able to help us do a lot of work in just a short period of time. There are also programs like Microsoft Excel that could help us make data sheets or charts and we should know that we would be able to have results that can be more organized and understandable with its use. Microsoft Excel is a very important tool for office jobs and we should know that we can use it for data encoding and also for a lot of things. It is important that people who are interested in doing or in applying for office jobs in our times today to have the proper knowledge on how to use Microsoft Excel. We should know that this tool is also known to increase the productivity of a workforce and it is also able to help them produce accurate and well detailed results. There are a lot of companies that would also require their employees to know how to use Microsoft Excel and that is why we should make sure that we have the proper knowledge about it.

There are a lot of people nowadays that would know how to use Microsoft Excel as it is a computer program that is commonly taught in school. It has a lot of functions that would be able to help you encode data but we should know that there are also other functions that are specialized and may offer you with some difficulty if you are not that familiar with them. If we are unfamiliar with certain features in Microsoft Excel as they would require us to encode certain codes, we should know that we could look for some information on the internet. Know more here!

Aside from the notes that we would be able to find on the program itself, there are a lot of tutorials and guides that we are able to find on the internet that would surely make it a lot easier for us to use the program. It is important that we should be able to have the proper knowledge on how to use it properly as it would surely be able to make our jobs a lot easier. To get more tips on how to use Microsoft Excel, check out